1. Recovery & Recovery Oriented Care
  2. Homelessness & Poverty
  3. Supported Employment with Severely & Chronically Mentally Ill
  4. Severe Mental Disorders: Treatment and Systems of Care
  5. Poverty, SES, Health, and Health Care
  6. Advocacy and Public Policy in Professional Psychology
  7. Supervision in Professional Psychology
  8. Cognitive Behavioral Interventions in the Treatment of Substance Abuse
  9. Trauma and Substance Abuse: Considerations in Assessment and Treatment
  10. Substance Abuse and Working with Families: Special Considerations for Treatment
  11. Health and Mental Health: Assuring Needed Care to All
  12. Evidence Based Practice in Mental Health Settings
  13. Working Effectively with Culturally Diverse Populations in the Public Mental Health System
  14. Psychopharmacology for Clinicians: A CAPIC Workshop
  15. Brief Interventions in Behavioral Health Settings